Newsletter :: ARTCODE

ARTCODE is my newsletter where I share new work, snapshots of the thinking behind the work, occasionally a longer text as ideas solidify into something new.

Right now it’s on substack. If you don’t like substack, you can use an RSS reader or follow me on Mastodon.

Recent editions

It's hard to make art with AI, but it's not impossible

The delusion is to consider craft as a barrier to making art, rather than the channel that makes art possible.


Music video for The Nonidentical

What does Interactive Art have to teach us about AI?

Three questions to ask of new technology. Who are we? Who's in charge? Honestly?

Diffeomorphic Landscapes: Online exhibition

At first everything is overwhelmingly magnetic. Then it all starts looking the same. But then, after some time, some things emerge that resonate more deeply.

This Thursday: Joy and ethics in making AI art

Or how I found the universe in my data self. A Talk by me: join online or in Glasgow

Cadences, resolutions and the pleasure of uncertainty

A feeling of conclusion, a feeling of a new beginning and a feeling of uncertainty are all part of the same moment, a moment of openness and possibility.

Small Frame, Infinite Canvas

Digital prints exploring an alternative perspective on AI through creative coding, glitch and personal memories

Introducing “A Short Ride Through Hyperspace”

My new immersive AV work opens on Thursday. Plus, Open Studio day and Cosmic Insignificance Therapy at INTERSECCIÓN festival.

How to create a music installation

Dom Aversano interviews Tim Murray-Browne on interactive installations, empowering an audience, and how AI continues to dissolve the distinction between artist and audience.

A short drive around Bucharest in the Lupo

At Radiophrenia Festival this week: A short drive round Bucharest in the Lupo and Agency of Chaos, Unmoved

Why AI? Probing the collective unconscious

AI seems to live in the part of my mind that deals with animals and spirits rather than objects and machines.

Hyperspace, hesitation and non-vision

A friend explained it to me: (punters per day x ticket cost - overheads) / (required floorspace). More people, quicker experiences, more $/m²/day. It’s obvious when someone writes it out, but I’d never thought of it that way before.

Agency of Chaos, Unmoved (actualised)

My first live performance with AI audio. In the error and distortion I hear the struggle of a living being: effort, intention, agency.

Agency of Chaos, Unmoved (theorised)

As I nervously prepare a solo AI audio performance, I’m trying to find space for my own voice between the AI model’s extremes of total order and total chaos.

World Without End: An audio-visual meditation on memory and AI mysticism

About five years ago I received a tape in the post from my late godmother. It was a recording off the radio of choral service at Wakefield Cathedral from 1995. I'm one of the singers, aged nine.

AI’s weird and uncanny mistakes reveal the gaps in how I perceive intelligence

I’m used to seeing human-like intellectual capabilities together as a bundle, what I consider human intelligence. If a human can draw photorealistic faces, I might assume they have mastered many other intellectual abilities, like a deep sensitivity to human physiology and how it exists in physical reality.

The satnav effect: Is AI stopping me from learning?

Is coding with AI like driving with a satnav? Will the parts of my brain that learn from doing atrophy as I delegate the brainwork to ChatGPT? Or does it leave me as the director of a film, able to focus on the bigger picture?

Cosmic Insignificance Therapy

New audio-visual work: A one minute meditation charting an AI render from the micro to the macro.

ChatGPT: My Conformist Double in the Neoliberal Hunger Games

ChatGPT can write my grant applications. But it can also write everyone else's.

Certifying Experience. Refusing Experience.

Once marks of authenticity become automated, they stop being marks of authenticity. Then we have to find new ways to let ourselves leak through.

Authored and Unauthored Content: A Newly Necessary Distinction

Authored and unauthored media have always been here. But AI makes them indistinguishable.

The difference of doing something weekly

There are things I’ve put out before that I regret, but they are massively outweighed by the work I didn’t share because I just wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

A Coincidence of Wiggly Lines

After two years exploring this AI model with my body, I’m left with is an intuitive sense of its topology.

Adventures in AI Self-Custody

I learnt to build AI models because I wanted to fall in love with AI, to see it as a collaborator in human agency, to be excited rather than afraid.

Are AI artists pawns in the propaganda battle for the ethics of generative AI?

When a new technology arrives, new possibilities arrive. It leaves us with an ethical openness. Those with vested interests move quickly to define the narrative.

Desensitising to the Endless Soma Bliss of Optimised Art

The more AI images I come across, the less I feel moved by them.