Anamorphic Composition (No. 1) is an interactive sound installation experienced through head movement. A frozen moment of music is scattered into shards of sound, cutting through physical space and audible when touched by the listener's head.
This sound can no longer be sensed holistically in an instant but explored as individual parts. The areas where these shards intersect create sweet spots, where fragments of a greater harmony echo ephemerally.
Anamorphosis describes a form which appears distorted or jumbled until viewed from a precise angle. Sometimes in the chaos of information arriving at our senses, there can be a similar moment of clarity, a brief glimpse suggestive of a perspective where the pieces align.
This project later developed into Post-Truth and Beauty.
- 27 Jun 2016 Panorama, Genesis Cinema, London
Anamorphic Composition No. 1 was realised with support from San Diego Art Institute. Thanks to Jan Lee for featuring in the documentation.